Urgent Notice re Covid 19 and those debtors experiencing payment difficulties
18 Mar 2020

In the prevailing circumstances regarding Covid-19, the ISI is mindful of the practical difficulties being experienced by many. If you are currently availing of one of the statutory debt solutions below and are experiencing difficulties making agreed payments, please note the following:
- The ISI understands that those who are making repayments in relation to a Debt Relief Notice (DRN) may currently be experiencing difficulties in making those payments. Those who find themselves in this situation should contact the Case Management Division of the Insolvency Service of Ireland by e-mail at info@isi.gov.ie , or by telephone ph. 0761 064 200 to discuss the matter on a case-by-case basis.
- If you are experiencing difficulty with meeting agreed repayments in respect of a court approved Debt Settlement Arrangement (DSA) or Personal Insolvency Arrangement (PIA), please contact your PIP to discuss.
- Where persons are currently experiencing difficulties in the payment of their bankruptcy order payments, they should contact the Bankruptcy Payment Order section of the Insolvency Service of Ireland by e-mail at bankruptcy-income@isi.gov.ie , or by telephone ph. 0761 064 200 to discuss the matter on a case-by-case basis.
Michael McNaughton
Director, Insolvency Service of Ireland